
Our experienced team can support you in every aspect of a full or partial restoration or your Porsche. We restore all air-cooled Porsche from 356, 912 and 911 all the way through to 964 and 993, we love air-cooled!

From annual servicing, clutch replacement, brake repairs to full engine rebuilds all actioned in-house in Hare Hatch in Berkshire.
We use Porsche parts and fluids and provide a chronology of events via WhatsApp in photo form. You always know what position your repair is at. Please do get in touch to make a booking.

From small scratch repairs to glass our resprays our experienced paint shop team can support you. We have a state of the art paint mixing system and also a modern down draft paint booth.
Amongst our most prized assets are our panel beaters. The age old artisanal art of hand beating panels is a dying art and one which is at a serious premium in the industry.

The world of Classic Porsche ownership is a labour of love, electrical and wiring issues always appear to raise problems, we have a full time auto electrician specialising in Porsche electrics.
From the smallest wiring issue to a full new loom replacement, all can be taken care of by our Team.

Rindt have an extensive network of suppliers and manufacturers able to recreate a back to factory original interior or create an entirely original concept and design to suit your personal taste and style. Our team of trimmers are expert in their field and produce stunning interiors for you to enjoy.

We have a small fleet of car transporters and trailers available for hire, from a single car transporter or trailer through to our six car transporter we can manage logistics for you across the UK and Europe.

Follow us on social media! Our instagram account is updated daily, the 'Friday night walkaround' and the new 'Wednesday wander' are particular favourites amongst followers. Over on YouTube see behind the scenes footage with our 'Day in the Life' series plus lots of other great special features and sales cars.